User Manual


The Manual of Synoptic Satellite Meteorology, MSG interpretation Guide and Synoptic Textbook are examples of online textbooks developed and maintained within the EUMeTrain project.


In 1996, the compilation of a "Manual of Synoptic Satellite Meteorology - Conceptual Models" (or short SatManu) was started, initially by the Austrian Meteorological Institute (ZAMG), but later in co-operation with the Dutch, Finnish and Croatian Meteorological Institutes (KNMI, FMI and DHMZ resp.). The material in this manual was produced in electronic form as a CD-ROM within the framework of the sponsored "SATREP" Project of EUMETSAT and is also available online.


MSG Interpretation Guide

The different channels and the wide range of applications that Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) offer are described in a series of powerpoints with contribution from EUMETSAT and the various European National Meteorological Services.

MSG Guide

Synoptic Textbook

This textbook contains the english version of the lectures on synoptic meteorology used at the Finish Meteorological Institute (FMI). It intends to support meteorologists in understanding the different states of the atmosphere, its dynamics and processes. It establishes the basis for their duties in nowcasting and short range forecasting.

Synoptic Textbook