MTG Training - under development!


This page serves as an introduction page for the MTG proxy data, case studies, general MTG info and training material. Its purpose is to disseminate basic knowledge on the new satellite that will be in use in the next 2 years.

The third generation satellites

The next generation of satellites will consist of two types of satellites, one imager and one sounder satellite, a novelty that should greatly help forecasters in analyzing the state of the atmosphere by providing radiosounding measurements through the atmosphere every couple of hours.
The new imager should also provide new possibilites with its new channels and consequently the possibility to create new RGB products, e.g. Cloud Type and Cloud Phase RGBs.


MTG Online Meeting

The MTG meetings from EUMeTrain and EUMETSAT are now combined into one meeting that will be organized monthly by EUMETSAT.

Publications and material


Video material on RGBs and channels

Select a clip from a selection of videos about MTG channels, RGBs, etc. :

Quick Guides

A number of guides on different RGB products made by NASA SPORT and by EUMeTrain already exist and you can check them out by clicking on 'More Information'.