
Synoptic and Mesoscale Analysis of Satellite Images - 2016

60 Minutes

Veronika Zwatz-Meise (ZAMG)

Comma Clouds - Mesoscale Features in cold Air

Published: 1 February 2017

Commas are meso-scale structures developing within cold air, that can cause severe weather on the ground, often behind frontal cloud bands. They occur mainly during the cold season and are a common feature for Northern and Western Europe - nevertheless commas can also be found in the south. In this lecture life cycles and the appearance of commas in satellite imagery will be demonstrated. Different types of development exist - Within the cold air commas can grow out of EC starting as a small feature which is growing in to the typical meso-scale cloud spiral. On the other hand commas can be found in connection with occlusion when they split off the cloud spiral and become a separate feature on their own. Typical weather events are storms and heavy precipitation (in form of showers and thunderstorms). Examples of real cases will be shown and they shall illustrate the typical synoptic situations.

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Filed under Keywords:

conceptual models, comma clouds, life cycle