
Precipitation - EW 2020

28 Minutes

Silvia Puca (DPC)

Introduction to the H SAF project

Published: 21 December 2020

H SAF products and applications fit with the objectives of services, agencies, authorities and other initiatives which need information on water at the ground in order to monitor hazards and natural disasters such as flash floods, landslides and drought conditions, as well as to improve water management. From 2005 H SAF started to provide remote sensing estimates of relevant hydrological parameters: instantaneous rain rate and cumulated rainfall, soil moisture at surface and in the root zone, snow cover and water equivalent. All products are available via EUMETSAT data delivery service (EUMETCast), or via ftp download; they are also published in H SAF website h-saf.eumetsat.int. The project involves experts from 12 national meteorological and hydrological European Institutes of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Turkey, and from ECMWF.

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