
PEW - Event Week 2014

30 Minutes

Izidor Pelajic, DHMZ

NWCSAF MSG precipitation products and their applications

Published: 11 December 2015

Eumetsat satellite derived or satellite-NWP combined precipitation estimators like Multi-Sensor Precipitation Estimate (MPE) and Nowcasting SAF Convective Rainfall Rate (PGE05 CRR) or Cloud Physical Properties Convective Rainfall Rate (PGE14 CRPh) are best used for precipitation diagnostic and analysis in convective environment. Full benefit of those products is best demonstrated in the regions with none or poor meteorological radars coverage. As with any satellite derived estimator/product, there are both benefits and limitations.
Here we will focus on Nowcasting SAF precipitation products derived from EUMETSAT MSG SEVIRI BS satellite data with the aid of numerical weather predictions from ECMWF and/or ALADIN models. Those products are being used operationally at DHMZ.

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Filed under Keywords:

MPE, precipitation, NWC-SAF, products, evaluation