
NWC/GEO Engineering Workshop

180 Minutes

Pilar Ripodas (AEMet)
Oscar Alonso (GMV)
Cristina Ariza (GMV)

Online engineering workshop for the NWCSAF GEO v2016

Published: 19 January 2017

The NWC SAF has released a new SW package GEO v2016 in November 2016.
An online workshop was organized on 11 January 2017 between 9:00 and 14:00 UTC in order to introduce to the users the NWCSAF GEO v2016 from a technical point of view. The NWC SAF team explains how to install this new version, the organization of directories, auxiliary datasets, new output format...

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Filed under Keywords:

NWCSAF, software, installation, v2016