
HSAF User Workshop 2022

17, 22, 13 Minutes

Claudio Giorgi (University of Brescia)
Daniele Casella (ISAC - Roma)
Christian Massari (CNR)

H SAF Precipitation products

Published: 7 February 2022

The session includes a summary of H SAF precipitation products, with particular attention to the most recent products. The procedures to get access to the data, both for short range repository (last 60 days) and longtime archive data will be described. Moreover, the main data formats will be briefly presented, including the expected format changes in the near future. Python scripts and a Jupiter notebook developed for reading and visualization of precipitation data will be also presented.

Additionally, an example of Flood modelling with satellite rainfall data in Africa will be shown. Flood modelling over data scarce regions is challenging. Satellite rainfall data offer a viable tool to force hydrological models and provide discharge prediction at ungauged sites. However, being an indirect type of measurements, satellite rainfall observations can be subjected to significant bias and might be suboptimal over mountainous terrain. Here we show that model recalibration or bias correction even with a few rain gauges can provide boost hydrological model performance and thus make satellite rainfall data a valid solution to obtain discharge.

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