Common Remarks
The South American Low Level Jet (SALLJ) plays an important role in the moisture transport from tropical to extratropical latitudes favoring the development of organized deep convection (e.g. Mesoscale Convective Systems, MCSs) at its exit region over Southeastern South America (SESA).
Schematic of the most important features related to SALLJ (Vera et al, 2006)
I. Cloud Structure In Satellite Images
Learn about how to recognise and detect The South American Low Level Jet in satellite images.
II. Meteorological Physical Background
Find out more about the meteorlogical and physical background of The South American Low Level Jet
III. Key Parameters
Learn which key parameters to use for montoring The South American Low Level Jet
IV. Typical Appearance In Vertical Cross Sections
Find out the typical appearance of Arctic The South American Low Level Jet in vertical cross section
V. Weather Events
Explore the weather events associated with The South American Low Level Jet
VI. References
Let these comprehensive documents in the references assist you in finding more about The South American Low Level Jet