EUMeTrain: Flash-floods in Slovenia 18 September 2007

Nowcasting SAF and INCA analyses

In this section the emphasis is put on the products based mainly on satellite data (NWCSAF) and on the integrated analyses of data from different measuring sources together with the NWP fields (INCA).

Nowcasting Satellite Application Facility (NWCSAF) was developed by EUMETSAT member states with the aim to develop products that are most used by forecasters for nowcasting purposes. In the following chapter some of the products, applicable for this specific case, will be presented .


Cloud Type (CT) is one of the basic NWCSAF products. It gives a quick overview of the current cloud cover by classifying clouds into 15 categories and displaying them in different colours. The product is available during day and night. The description of the algorithms can be found on the NWCSAF-CT web page.

Cloud Type product is shown in 15 minute intervals.


The purpose of the Precipitating Clouds (PC) product is to support detailed precipitation analysis for nowcasting purposes. The focus is on the distinction between non-precipitating and precipitating clouds for light and heavy precipitation. The product gives the probabilities of precipitation intensities in pre-defined intensity intervals. PC product is very useful for delineation of areas with no precipitation. It gives valuable information in the area with no radar data (temporary missing or not available) and in the area with low radar visibility due to mountains screening, as it is illustrated in this case. The description of the algorithms for PC product can be found on the NWCSAF-PC web page.

Precipitating Cloud product is given in a slideshow with 15 minute interval between the images.


Convective rainfall rate (CRR) is an estimation of rainfall in mm/h. The description of the algorithms can be found on the NWCSAF-CRR web page. The CRR product is shown in 15 minute intervals.

INCA ( Integrated Nowcasting through Comprehensive Analysis) is a nowcasting system developed by ZAMG and used also in Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia. INCA combines different sources of data to obtain best possible analysis of the current state of the atmosphere and to derive nowcasting fields. As a first guess for the state of the atmosphere INCA uses NWP fields from the ALADIN model. Then, adding real-time data from different sources (synop and AMP stations, radar, satellite, radisounding, AMDAR, ...) and taking into account the laws of physics, it provides the high resolution analyses with spatial resolution  of 1 km. Analysis fields of temperature, moisture, wind, precipitation and cloudiness are obtained. Such analyses are the base for nowcasting up to 12h, where in the first 2 hours more weight is put to the measurements and then gradually more and more weight is put to the NWP fields.
In the frame of this case study INCA analyses of precipitation and wind in combination to the MOCON parameter will be shown.

INCA - cumulative rain rate

24 hours accumulated precipitation based on 30 minutes INCA precipitation analyses is given.


INCA - wind analysis

Wind and MOCON parameter analyses for 06 and 12 UTC are shown.

Summary of the investigations in this chapter

In the region where the heaviest precipitation occured, clouds were classified as very high and high opaque with some medium clouds at the southern edge of the cloud system. Precipitating Clouds product approved to be very useful in the regions where radar data are missing or insufficient. Convective Rainfall Rate highly underestimated the real precipitation amounts. However, the indication of large amounts of precipitation is given in the right place over the whole examined period. INCA analysis of MOCON parameter combined with the wind field gave a good indication of convective development showing the possibilities of using INCA in nowcasting.