EUMeTrain: Flash-floods in Slovenia 18 September 2007

  Meteosat-9 WV6.2   Airmass   Geopotential height 700 hPa   Geopotential height 500 hPa   Height of PV=2
  Showalter Index   Positive Vorticity Advection 300 hPa   Wind 300 hPa   Relative Humidity 700 hPa

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The IR10.8 enhanced image is displayed as a basic image in every time stamp. Images at 00, 06, 12 and 18 UTC are shown. The coldest tops are displayed in yellow-orange colors up to -60 °C.

At 00 UTC a cold front can be seen approaching the Alps and pre-frontal convection is developing over Northern Italy. In the following steps this pre-frontal development over Italy, Slovenia and Croatia continues as the front is passing over the Alps.