
General Meteorology and Basics

  • HOSKINS B. J., MCINTYRE M. E. and ROBERTSON A. L. W. (1985): On the use and significance of isentropic potential vorticity maps; Quart. J. R. Meteor. Soc., Vol. 111, p. 877 - 946
  • KURZ M. (1990): Synoptische Meteorologie - Leitfäden für die Ausbildung im Deutschen Wetterdienst; 2. Auflage, Selbstverlag des Deutschen Wetterdienstes
  • BLUESTEIN, H.B., 1993: Synoptic Dynamic Meteorology in Midlatitudes, Volume I, Oxford Univ. Press

General Satellite Meteorology

  • BADER M. J., FORBES G. S., GRANT J. R., LILLEY R. B. E. and WATERS A. J. (1995): Images in weather forecasting - A practical guide for interpreting satellite and radar imagery; Cambridge University Press, chapter 4.5

Specific Satellite Meteorology

  • BLUESTEIN, H.B., 1993: Synoptic Dynamic Meteorology in Midlatitudes, Volume I, Oxford Univ. Press
  • BROWNING K. A. and PARDOE C. W. (1973): Structure of low-level jet streams ahead of mid-latitude cold fronts; Quart. J. R. Meteor. Soc., Vol. 99, p. 619 - 638
  • HOSKINS, B.J., DRAGHICI, I., DAVIES, H.C., 1978: A New Look at the Omega Equation, Quart. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., pp31
  • MARTIN J. E., LOCATELLI J. D. and HOBBS P. V. (1992): The synoptic evolution of a deep tropospheric frontal circulation and attendant cyclogenesis; 5th Conference on Mesoscale Processes, Atlanta, Georgia, 5 - 10 January 1992
  • SHAPIRO M. A. (1981): Frontogenesis and geostropically forced secondary circulations in the vicinity of jet stream - frontal zone systems; J. Atmos. Sci., Vol. 38, p. 954 - 973
  • UCCELLINI L. W. (1990): Process contributing to the rapid development of extratropical cyclones; in: Extratropical Cyclones, The Erik Palmen Memorial Volume, Ed. Chester Newton and Eero O Holopainen, p. 81 - 105