
General Meteorology and Basics

  • Aldrian, E., 2010: Identifikasi dan Karakteristik Seruak Dingin. Jurnal LAPAN
  • Aldrian, E., 2008: Meteorologi Laut Indonesia. Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika
  • Pratama, B.E., 2012: Kajian Karakteristik Parameter Cuaca terhadap Penjalaran Asian Cold Surge, Thesis.
  • Chang et al., 1980a: Northerly Cold Surges and Near-Equatorial Disturbances over the Winter MONEX Area during December 1974. Part I: Synoptic Aspects, Monthly Weather Review, 107
  • Chang et al., 1980b: Northerly Cold Surges and Near-Equatorial Disturbances over the Winter MONEX Area during December 1974. Part II: Planetary-Scale Aspects, Monthly Weather Review, 108
  • Chang et al, 2005: Synoptic Disturbances over the Equatorial South China Sea and Western Maritime Continent during Boreal Winter, Monthly Weather Review, 133
  • Chen et al., 2003, Annual cycle of the South China Sea Surface Temperature using the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis, Journal of Meteorology Society. Japan, 81, 879-884, doi: 10.2151/jmsj.81.879
  • Chen et al., 2015: Development and Formation Mechanism of the Southeast Asian Winter Heavy Rainfall Events around the South China Sea. Part I: Formation and Propagation of Cold Surge Vortex, Journal of Climate, 28
  • Chin., 1969: Cold Surge over South China. Royal Observatory Hong Kong Technical Note No. 28
  • Churchil, D.D and R.A. Houze Jr, 1984: Development and Structure of Winter Monsoon CLoud Clusters on December 1978. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 41, 6, 933 - 960
  • Compo, 1999: The Horizontal and Vertical Structure of East Asian Winter Monsoon Pressure Surge, Royal Meteorology Society, 125.
  • Ding et al., 2009: Characteristic and Changes of Cold Surge Event over China during 1960-2007. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letter.
  • Garreaud, 2001: Subtropical Cold Surges: Regional Aspect and Global Distribution. International Journal of Climatology, 21
  • Hattori, 2011: Cross Equatorial Northerly Surge. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 89A
  • Johnson, R.H and Zimmerman, J.R, 2004: Modification of the Boundary Layer over the South China Sea during a Winter MONEX Cold Surge Event. Monthly Weather Review, 114
  • Koseki et al., 2014: Borneo Vortex and Mesoscale Convective Rainfall. Atmospheric Chemistry Physics, 14
  • Lau, K. Ming, 1982: Equatorial Response to Northeasterly Cold Surges as Inferred from Satellite Cloud Imagery. Monthly Weather Review, 110
  • Madden, R.A, Julian, Paul. R., 1972: Description of Global-Scale Circulation Cells in the Tropics with a 40-50 Days Period. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 29
  • Murakami, 1979: Winter Monsoonal Surges over East and Southeast Asia. Journal of the Meteorology Society of Japan, 57, 2
  • Ooi, 2011: A Case Study of the Borneo Vortex Genesis and its Interactions with the Global Circulation. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116
  • Ramage., 1971: Monsoon Meteorology, Academic Press, New York, London
  • Soerjadi, 2012: Tips Melacak Seruak Dingin (Cold Surge) Monsun Dingin Asia,!
  • Supari, 2006: Analisa Skala Makro dan Skala Meso terhadap Aktivitas Asian Cold Surge. Jurnal Meteorologi dan Geofisika, 7
  • Taryono, 2012: Kajian Aktivitas Cold Surge dan Southeasterly Surge Saat Monsun Asia Musim Dingin di Wilayah Jawa, Thesis.
  • Trilaksono, et al., 2012: A Time-lagged Ensemble Simulation on the Modulation of Precipitation over West Java in January-February 2007. Monthly Weather Review, 140
  • WMO/TD No. 1266, 2005: The Global Monsoon System: Research and Forecast
  • Wu, 2007: The Impact of Trans-equatorial Monsoon Flow on the Formation of Repeated Torrential Rains over Java Island. SOLA, 3
  • Zhang et al., 1997: Climatology and Interannual Variation of the East Asian Winter Monsoon: Results from the 1979-95 NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis. Monthly Weather Review, 125