Table of Contents


Common Remarks

Climatologically the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) is characterized as a persistent clouds band with northwest-southeast orientation that connects the southern Amazon region with the western portion of the Subtropical South Atlantic having a duration of at least four days with quasi-stationary behavior during the austral summer. Satellite images, maps of outgoing longwave radiation(OLR) and precipitation aid in the identification and synoptic climatological of this system.


Enhanced IR Image - 30/11/2010 1800UTC

I. Cloud Structure In Satellite Images

Learn about how to recognise and detect Atlantic Convergence Zone in satellite images.

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II. Meteorological Physical Background

Find out more about the meteorlogical and physical background of Atlantic Convergence Zone

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III. Key Parameters

Learn which key parameters to use for montoring Atlantic Convergence Zone

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IV. Typical Appearance In Vertical Cross Sections

Find out the typical appearance of Arctic Atlantic Convergence Zone in vertical cross section

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V. Weather Events

Explore the weather events associated with Atlantic Convergence Zone

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VI. References

Let these comprehensive documents in the references assist you in finding more about Atlantic Convergence Zone

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