
Assessing and monitoring atmospheric thermodynamic parameters is a key process in weather forecasting. Space-borne hyperspectral sounders provide vertical profiles of atmospheric temperature and humidity, as well as surface and cloud properties. The future geostationary infrared sounder IRS on board Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) will deliver operational atmospheric soundings at unprecedented temporal and spatial resolution, with 4-km pixels at nadir and covering Europe every 30 minutes. It will therefore be an important addition to satellite imaging capability (e.g., operational MSG/SEVIRI or the future MTG/FCI instruments), which has long been used to support nowcasting, by allowing the detection and monitoring of atmospheric instabilities before convective clouds develop (August, 2020). A case study is used here to demonstrate the additional value of satellite soundings (temperature and water vapour profiles) in forecasting.

We present the case in a partly interactive form. After being provided with the synoptic situation, you will see some data, which you will use to answer some questions about the weather associated with the case. After completing the questions, you will learn more about the satellite sounding data and can then read a description of the weather associated with the case in the concluding section.