EUMeTrain: Case Study on severe convection over Ukrain

Synoptic Situation: Satellite images and derived numerical parameters

Basic parameters like surface pressure (height of 1000 hPa) and upper level height (here at 300 hPa) do not reveal the whole physical background of a situation and can therefore not explain details seen in the cloud features of satellite images as well as in the different conceptual models.
Therefore, in order to understand the processes that lead to certain cloud configurations, it is usually necessary to consult different derived physical parameters.

In this chapter the convection, it's position and direction as well as the unstabilty associated to the convection will addressed.

Meteosat 8 IR10.8 and Thermal Front Parameter + Relative Topography: time sequence
In this chapter the large frontal zone over Western Europe is presented using the Thermal Front Parameter. Along with this parameter also the relative topography is shown.
Meteosat 8 IR10.8 and Temperature Advection 700 hPa: time sequence
Since thermal advection is analysed on a more synoptic scale it is not likely to play a direct role in the local development of thunderstorms. The horizontal distribution of warm air advection and identifying its maxima is important since it can slightly contribute to upward motion and convection. In this chapter the Thermal Advection at 700 hPa is described in relation to the prefrontal convergence. It is overlayed on Meteosat 8 IR10.8 imagery and presented in 6-hour sequences.
Meteosat 8 IR10.8 and Showalter Index: time sequence
One way of characterising the stability of the atmosphere is by making use of the Showalterindex. Values under 0 are a sign of a lable atmosphere. Values under -3 are very unstable and are related to thunderstorms. In this chapter the Showalterindex is presented, overlayed on Meteosat 8 IR10.8 imagery, in 6 hour sequence.
Meteosat 8 IR10.8 and ThetaE 850 hPa: time sequence
Second way of representing the characteristics of the stability of the atmosphere is by making use of ThetaE 850. In this chapter ThetaE 850hPa is presented, overlayed on Meteosat 8 IR10.8 imagery, in 6 hour sequence.