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EUMETSAT Case Studies:

Dusty Dry Conveyor Belt by Ivan Smiljanic, 2020; Dusty Dry Conveyor Belt | EUMETSAT

Dusty Cirrus over Romania, 2011, Dusty cirrus over Romania | EUMETSAT

Saharan Dust causes Temperature Drop, 2016, by Jochen Kerkmann, HansPeter Roesli, Mike Fromm and Klaus Sievers; Saharan dust causes temperature drop | EUMETSAT

Widespread Dust Intrusion over Europe, 2022, by Federico Fierli, Miguel-Angel Martinez, Jörg Asmus and Hans Peter Roesli; Widespread dust intrusion across Europe | EUMETSAT

Extensive DIBS in the Deformation Zone, 2020, by HansPeter Roesli (Switzerland), Mária Putsay and Ivan Smiljanic; Extensive DIBS in the Deformation Zone | EUMETSAT

Springtime Dust Outbreaks, 2022, by Djordje Gencic and Ivan Smiljanic, Federico Fierli and Miguel-Angel Martinez; Springtime dust outbreaks | EUMETSAT