
General Meteorology and Basics

  • EGGER J. and HOINKA K. P., 1992: Fronts and Orography. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics: Vol. 48, No. 1-4, pp. 3-36.
  • BLUMEN W., 1992: Propagation of fronts and Frontogenesis Versus Frontolysis over Orography. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics: Vol. 48, No. 1-4, pp. 37-50.
  • HOINKA K. P. and VOLKERT H., 1992: Fronts and the Alps: Findings from the Front Experiment 1987. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics: Vol. 48, No. 1-4, pp. 51-75.
  • KEULER K., KERKMANN J., KRAUS H. and SCHALLER E., 1992: Orographical Modification and Large Scale Forcing of a Cold Front. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics: Vol. 48, No. 1-4, pp. 105-130.
  • TAFFERNER A. and EGGER J., 1992: Modification of Fronts by the Alps: Simulations and Numerical Experimentation. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics: Vol. 48, No. 1-4, pp. 193-203.
  • SCHUMANN U., 1987: Influence of Mesoscale Orography on Idealized Cold Fronts. Journal of the Atmospheric Science: Vol. 44, No. 23, pp. 3423-3441.