Key Parameters

  • Θe 850 hPa
    The air mass behind an Arctic Cold Front is -4°C (269K) or colder.
  • Temperature Advection 850 hPa
    The Arctic Cold Front is partly or entirely within cold advection.
  • Height Contours 700 hPa
    There is a trough on the top of the arctic frontal zone.
  • PVA 700 hPa
    PVA connected to the upper trough

Θe 850 hPa

23 March 2009/12.00 UTC - Meteosat VIS 0.6 image; magenta: θe 850 hPa. The location of the Arctic Front is shown.


Temperature Advection 850 hPa

23 March 2009/12.00 UTC - Meteosat VIS 0.6 image; red dashed: temperature advection - CA 850 hPa, red solid: temperature advection - WA 850 hPa


Height Contours 700 hPa

23 March 2009/12.00 UTC - Meteosat VIS 0.6 image; red: height contours 700 hPa


PVA 700 hPa

23 March 2009/12.00 UTC - Meteosat VIS 0.6 image; green: PVA 700 hPa