Common Remarks
Cut-Off Low (COL) pressure systems are one of the main precipitation and hazardous weather producing weather systems that affect South Africa. This conceptual model aims to present the various stages of development of a COL over southern Africa and the cloud features and weather associated with it.
Airmass RGB overlaid with 500hPa heights (gpm) valid for 13 July 2012 at 1200UTC
I. Cloud Structure In Satellite Images
Learn about how to recognise and detect Cut-Off Low pressure systems in satellite images.
II. Meteorological Physical Background
Find out more about the meteorlogical and physical background of Cut-Off Low pressure systems
III. Key Parameters
Learn which key parameters to use for montoring Cut-Off Low pressure systems
IV. Typical Appearance In Vertical Cross Sections
Find out the typical appearance of Arctic Cut-Off Low pressure systems in vertical cross section
V. Weather Events
Explore the weather events associated with Cut-Off Low pressure systems
VI. References
Let these comprehensive documents in the references assist you in finding more about Cut-Off Low pressure systems
VII. Special Investigations
Weather Event of the 13th -15th July 2012 and Typical Synoptic sequence and weather associated with COLs around South Africa