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Chapter V: Final considerations

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Final considerations

A relatively rare positioning of the two Mediterranean cyclones induced a strong convergence zone in the North Adriatic. A series of convective developments occurred during the night from 24 to 25 September. One of the heavy precipitation episodes stroke the south-western part of Istria peninsula amounting 176 mm of rain in less than 7 hours, the highest daily amount ever measured in the town of Pula. The resulting flash-flood caused heavy damage in the area of concern.

Operational 8km resolution hydrostatic ALADIN model forecast the precipitation maximum over the sea 3 hours too late but the position was quite well. There was no indication of the secondary maximum over the Istrian land, which caused the flash-flood. Using the 2km resolution non-hydrostatic ALADIN model the maximum over the Istrian land appeared.

Flash flood events arise from high to extremely high rainfall rates. (Doswell et al, 1996.)