
General Satellite Meteorology

  • BADER M. J., FORBES G. S., GRANT J. R., LILLEY R. B. E. and WATERS A. J. (1995): Images in weather forecasting - A practical guide for interpreting satellite and radar imagery; Cambridge University Press.
  • KARLSSON, K.- G. (1997): Remote Sensing in Meteorology. Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute.

Specific Satellite Meteorology

  • ANTHIS, A. I. and CRACKNELL, A. P. (1999): Use of satellite images for fog detection (AVHRR) and forecast of fog dissipation (METEOSAT) over lowland Thessalia, Hellas. Int. Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 20, 1107-1124.
  • BROWN, R: (1987): Observations of the structure of a deep fog. Meteorol. Mag., Vol. 116, p. 329-338.
  • ELLROD, G.P. (1995): advances in the Detection and Analysis of Fog at Night Using GOES Multispectral Infrared Imagery. Weather and Forecasting, Vol. 10, p. 606-619.
  • CERMAK, J. (2006): SOFOS - A New Satellite-based Operational Fog Observation Scheme. PhD thesis, Philipps-Universität Marburg.
  • EYRE J .R., BROWNSCOMBE J. L., and ALLAM R. J. (1984): Detection of fog at night using Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) imagery; Met. Mag., Vol. 113, p. 266 - 271.
  • GURKA, J. J. (1978): The use of enhanced visible imagery for predicting the time of fog dissipation. Preprints, Conference on Weather Forecasting and Analysis and Aviation Meteorology, pp. 343-346.
  • GURKA, J. J. (1978): the Role of Inward Mixing in the Dissipation of Fog and Stratus. Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 106, pp. 1633-1635.
  • JACOBS, W., NIETOSVAARA, V., MICHAELIDES, S. Chr., GMOSER, H. (ed.)(2005): Short-range forecasting methods of fog, visibility and low clouds. COST Action 722 Phase I report.
  • KIDD, C. (1995): Images of widespread radiation fog over southern England on 23 December 1994. Weather, Vol. 50, p. 370-374.
  • Lee, T. F. ,TURK, F. J., RICHARDSON, K. (1997): Stratus and fog products using GOES-8-9 3.9 μm data. Weather and Forecasting, Vol. 12, p. 664-677.
  • LILJAS, E. (1986): Use of AVHRR 3.7 micrometer channel in multispectral cloud classification; Promis-Rapporter No. 2. (Norrköping, SMHI)
  • MICHAELIDES, S. Chr. (ed.) (2005): Short-range forecasting methods of fog, visibility and low clouds. COST Action 722 Larnaca, Cyprus Workshop Proceedings.
  • ROACH, W.T. (1994): Back to basics: Fog: Part 1- Definitions and basic physics. Weather, Vol. 49, p. 411 - 415.
  • ROACH, W.T. (1995): Back to basics: Fog: Part 2 - The formation and dissipation of land fog. Weather, Vol. 50, p. 7-11.
  • ROACH, W.T. (1995): Back to basics: Fog: Part 3: The formation and dissipation of sea fog. Weather, Vol. 50, p.80-84.
  • TELFORD, J. W., CHAI, S. K. (1984): Inversions and fog, stratus, and cumulus formation in warm air over cooler water. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, Vol. 29, p. 109-137.
  • TELFORD, J. W., CHAI, S. K. (1993): Marine Fog and Its Dissipation over Warm Water. J.of Atmos. Sci., Vol. 50, p. 3336 - 3349.
  • WESSELS, H. R. A. (1980): Growth and disappearance of evaporation fog during the transformation of a cold air mass. Quart. Journal of Roy. Met. Soc., Vol.105, p. 963-977.