Meteorological Physical Background
To understand the different cloud structures seen in the satellite images several relevant conceptual models for different types of summer convection are explained.
- Single cell
Single cells are the smallest and simplest thunderstorm structures. In the case study single cells can only be found in the initial stage of the convection. However, knowledge about the convective processes within a single cell makes it easier to understand multi cell or super cell structures.
- Multi cell
A multi cell complex is a combination of several single cells that are connected with each other. Multi cells are most common during summer convection in Middle Europe.
- Super cell
Throughout 20 and 21 June 2007 several some super cells developed. The physical background of such convective phenomena are given in this chapter.
- Mesoscale Convective Complex
During the night from 20 to 21 June a MCC moved accross Germany. Some informartion about MCCs are given in this chapter.
- Squall line
The conceptual model of a squall line can be found here. During the afternoon of 20 June 2007 a squall line moved over Germany to the East.