
General Meteorology and Basics

  • BANTA, R.M., (1990): The Role of Mountain Flows in Making Clouds, Met. Monographs, 23, 229pp
  • KRENNERT, T., 2001: Tracking of convective cells, Diploma thesis, University of Vienna
  • PISUTOVA, Z., (1997): "Introduction and main ideas of the project ":Verification of ALADIN pseudo-TEMPs (VaPT)", Proceedings of the 3rd RC LACE/ALADIN workshop on the use of ALADIN products in forecasting practise and verification matters, BUDAPEST, 16-18 June, 1997
  • PRUPPACHER, H.R., KLETT, J.D., (1978): Microphysics of Clouds and Precipitation. Reidel PUBL., Dortrecht
  • RASMUSSEN, EN., BLANCHARD, D.O., (1998): A Baseline Climatology of Sounding - Derived Supercell and Tornado Forecast Parameters, AMS, Weath. a. Forec., 13, 1148pp
  • SEIDL, H., (1997): "Verification of pseudo-TEMPs in Austria by means of VApT software and other tools", Proceedings of the 3rd RC LACE/ALADIN workshop on the use of ALADIN products in forecasting practise and verification matters, BUDAPEST, 16-18 June, 1997
  • STEINACKER, R., (1977): Möglichkeiten von Gewitterprognose im Gebirge, Wetter und Leben, Jg28, 150pp
  • WILSON, J., et al., (1998): Nowcasting Thunderstorms: A status report. Bull. Amer. Soc., 79, 2079pp

Specific Satellite Meteorology

  • BROWNING, K.A., Harrold, T.W., 1970: Air Motion and Precipitation Growth at a Cold Front. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 96, 369pp
  • BLUESTEIN, H.B., Jain, M.H., 1985: Formation of Mesoscale Lines of Precipitation: Severe Squall Lines in Oklahoma During Spring. J. Atmos. Sci., 42, 1711p
  • DOSWELL, C.A. III, 1987: The Distinction between Large -Scale and Mesoscale Contribution to Severe Convection: A Case Study Example. Weath. a. Forec., 2, 3pp.
  • GEORGIEV C. G., 1999: Quantitative Relationship between Meteosat WV Data and Positive Potential Vorticity Anomalies: A Case Study over the Mediterranean. Meterol. Appl., 6, 97pp
  • KRENNERT, T., Zwatz-Meise, V., 2003: Initiation of convective cells in relation to water vapour boundaries in satellite images, Atmos. Res., Vol 67-68C pp 353-366
  • LIOU, K.N., 2002: An Introduction to Atmospheric Radiation. Second edition, Academic Press, p87.
  • MADDOX, R.A., Doswell, C. A. III, 1982: An Examination of Jet Stream Configurations, 500 mb Vorticity Advection and Low Level Thermal Advection Patterns During Extended Periods of Intense Convection. Mon. Wea. Rev. 110, 184 pp.
  • MARTIN, F., Elizaga, F., Riosalido, R., 1999: The Mushroom Configuration in Water Vapour Imagery and Operational Applications. Meteorol. Appl., 6, 143 pp.
  • PIELKE, R.A., Segal, M., 1986: Mesoscale circulations forced by differential terrain heating. Mesoscale Meteorology and Forecasting, AMS, Ch.22.
  • RASMUSSEN, E.N., Blanchard, D.O., 1998: A Baseline Climatology of Sounding - Derived Supercell and Tornado Forecast Parameters. AMS, Weath. a. Forec., 13, 1148pp.
  • SZOKE, E.J., Weisman, M. L., Brown, J. M., Caracena, F., Schlatter, T.W., 1984: A Subsynoptic Analysis of the Denver Tornadoes of 3 June 1981. Mon. Wea. Rev. 112, 790 pp.
  • WANDISHIN, M.S., Nielsen-Gammon, J.W, Keyser, D., 2000: A Potential Vorticity Diagnostic Approach to Upper Level Frontogenesis within a Developing Baroclinic Wave. Journ. Atmos. Sci., 57, 3918pp
  • WEISMAN, M.L., KLEMP, J.B., 1984: The Structure and Classification of Numerically Simulated Convective Storms in Directionally Varying Wind Shears. Mon. Wea. Rev. 112, 2479 pp
  • WERNLI, H., Dirren, S., Liniger, M.A., Zillig, M., 2002: Dynamical Aspects of the Life Cycle of the Winterstorm Lothar (24-26 December 1999). Quart. Journ. Roy. Met. Soc., 128, 405pp
  • ZWATZ-MEISE, V., Krennert T., Winkler, R., Zeiner, B., 2002: Manual of Synoptic Satellite Meteorology. ZAMG, CD-ROM, V4.0