The 24-Hour Microphysics RGB

Information received from the three channels that contribute to the RGB combination

IR 12 - 10.8 Information about dust, which gives a high value of the red component
IR 10.8 - 3.9/8.7 Differentiation between water and ice cloud; better ability to tell the difference between low clouds and fog than the Dust RGB
IR 10.8 - 3.9 is only useful during the night; replacing channel 3.9 with 8.7 is necessary for the 24-Hour Microphysics RGB. It is similar to the Dust RGB, but has a different temperature range.
From IR 10.8 Information about cloud top temperatures

Resulting colors for typical features

Red Thick ice cloud
Black Cirrus
Ocher/yellowish/green Low cloud

Typical application areas

  • Synoptic scale and mesoscale cloud systems: convection
  • Similar to Dust RGB