Extra-tropical transition RGB's

In this chapter RGB's of Alex will enable us to diagnose the cloud structure of Hurricane Alex, during the tropical phase of the storm. The Eumetsat recommended RGB's have been used to enable the diagnosis of Cloud structure as well as Temperature, Phase and Air masses.

The RGB's used for this exercise are:

  • Air mass
  • Severe Convection
  • Convective
  • Day natural colours

    Meteosat 8


    5 Aug 2004: 12UTC                                                                   6 Aug 2004: 12UTC

    Severe convection RGB

    The severe convection RGB shows that the central eye and circulation is built up of young convective cells and these are shown as bright yellow cells with older, mature convection, highlighted in a reddish colour.

    The interior thermal structure of this system is barotropic with little or no asymmetry in temperature gradient across the system. and is purely convective system with a symmetrical horizontal temperature profile. The configuration of the system is said to be "symmetrical"

    A comparison of these two images 24 Hrs apart shows that the convective central eye has begun to decay. The bright yellow convective cells that were evident have now become disorganised.

    5 Aug 2004: 12UTC                                                                   6 Aug 2004: 12UTC

    Convective RGB

    It is known that the internal structure of a hurricane is highly convective (view animation). The convective RGB shows up all convection, with no discrimination between the cells.

    5 Aug 2004: 12UTC                                                                   6 Aug 2004: 12UTC

    Airmass RGB

    In addition to the information on the internal structure of the system we can see that low stratospheric air, shown in a reddish colour on the Air mass RGB is evident to the north of the hurricane, the sub-tropical jet evident to the southeast.

    5 Aug 2004: 12UTC                                                                   6 Aug 2004: 12UTC

    Natural colour RGB

    As transition occurs the hurricane develops a frontal structure which can be seen ton the satellite imagery. The central eye of the hurricane becomes obscured as a cloud shield is moved across the eye obscuring it from view. The natural colour RGB enables us to see the large stratiform clouds the west of the hurricane.