
General Meteorology and Basics

  • CONWAY B. J., GERARD L., LABROUSSE J., LILJAS E., SENESI S., SUNDE J. and ZWATZ-MEISE V. (1996): COST78 Meteorology - Nowcasting, a survey of current knowledge, techniques and practice - Phase 1 report; Office for official publications of the European Communities
  • LILLY D. K. (1986): Instability; in: Ray P. (ed.): Mesoscale Meteorology and Forecasting; American Meteorological Society, p. 259 - 271
  • SHOWALTER A. K. (1953): A Stability Index for Thunderstorm forecasting; Bull. Amer. Met. Soc., Vol. 34, No. 6, p. 250 - 252

General Satellite Meteorology

  • BADER M. J., FORBES G. S., GRANT J. R., LILLEY R. B. E. and WATERS A. J. (1995): Images in weather forecasting - A practical guide for interpreting satellite and radar imagery; Cambridge University Press

Specific Satellite Meteorology

  • BENNETTS D. A., MCCALLUM E. and GRANT J. R. (1986): Cumulonimbus clouds: an introductory review; Met. Mag., Vol. 115, p. 242 - 256
  • BROWNING K. A. (1962): Cellular structure of convective storms; Met. Mag., Vol. 91, p. 341 - 350
  • BROWNING K. A. and LUDLAM F. H. (1962): Airflow in convective storms; Quart. J. R. Meteor. Soc., Vol. 102, p. 499 -533
  • SCOFIELD R. A. (1990): The "Water Vapour Imagery/Theta E Connection" with Heavy Convective Rainfall; in: EUMETSAT Proceedings of the Workshop on the Use of Satellite Data in Nowcasting and Very Short Range Forecasting; Reading, U. K., 16 - 20 July 1990, p. 173 - 178