I. Why is Sea Surface Temperature an important parameter?
This chapter presents an overview on the importance of measuring this parameter.
II. SST physical meaning
The temperature of the ocean is measured at different depths, corresponding to different variables. In this chapter the physical meaning of SST is presented.
III. Brief history of SST measurements
How were the first estimations of ocean temperatures obtained? What has changed?
IV. Physical concepts
This chapter presents the physical principles that sustain the estimation of SST from satellite.
V. Infrared measured SST - Algorithms
The methods to derive SST from satellite sensors operating in the infrared spectral domain are here presented.
VI. SST from infrared/microwave radiometry
In this chaper a comparison between infrared and microwave SST products is presented.
VII. Products gallery
In this chapter some examples of SST derived from geostationary and polar orbiting satellites are presented.
VIII. SST applications
The applications of SST are explored in this chapter.
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