"With the two other examples - fronts and convective cells- we looked at IR image sequences only and could easily discriminate between cold and warm top clouds. Fog and Stratus is a warm top cloud system consequently with the basic IR images there are some problems during night to identify the fog areas exactly. It is clear that an appropriate channel combination will be necessary at least for the night hours. This is a bit different during the day hours, where High Resolution Visible images are an excellent source. But the topic of our exerceise here is a different:
What can a sequence of satellite images contribute to Fog Nowcasting? Typical questions are: "will fog develop or will it be advected into my forecast area or will for dissolve?" The sequence of images below are IR images from 03.00 to 07.30 and HRVIS images from 07.30 to 12.00."
30 Januar 06/03.00 UTC - IR image
"Let us have a look at the meteorological observations for this situation. Follow
this link
to begin!"