Meteosat 8 composite: WV6.2-WV7.3; IR9.7-IR10.8; WV6.2i

30th July 2005: 06UTC
The frontal system covering central Europe is easier to recognise with these set of airmass images. The occlusion with some convective cells embedded, is found over Poland, Germany and the Netherlands. Further to the south the cold front is recognised as the low level cloudiness pictured in blue covering Eastern France and Switzerland. On the cyclonic as well on the anticlyclonic side of the frontal system two areas of deepening (pictured here as purple) is recognised. Most convection will start on the boundaries of these WV features. Further east, ahead of the frontal system on the border between Belarus and Ukraine an area with high PV values is recognised (appears as red). The cyclogenesis observed here is accompanied by convection as some cells emerged.

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