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The Training Bulletin

Joint newsletter related to new activities and resources
in European meteorological training

// issue XXXI - July 2024

Activities & events
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EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference 2024

30 September - 4 October 2024 / Würzburg, Germany

The 2024 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, as a key annual event for the meteorological and scientific communities in satellite remote sensing, will take place in Würzburg, Germany. EUMETSAT will be joined in the organisation and hosting of the event by the Deutsche Wetterdienst (DWD), the national provider for weather and climate services in Germany. The theme of this year’s annual EUMETSAT conference is “The Earth Observation value chains for weather, climate and hydrosphere”. Participants from around the world can meet to share their experience and knowledge during plenary, poster, and workshop sessions.

The conference will host several side meetings/workshops, including a meeting of weather forecasters attending the conference. A workshop on MTG data access and visualisation using Jupyter Notebooks will be offered, as well as a session on training activities.

View the interactive conference programme /abstract brochure.

Registration to attend the conference is still open. Register here.

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EUMeTrain Marine Course – 2025 (save the date!)

31 March - 4 April 2025 / Lisbon, Portugal

Between 31 March and 4 April 2025, EUMeTrain in cooperation with EUMETSAT and EUMETCAL will organize the 6th Marine Course. The course will be in a classroom format, preceded by a short asynchronous on-line course preparation, and will take place in Lisbon, at the headquarters of the Portuguese Institute for the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA). The target audience are marine forecasters across Europe and the course aims to strengthen the operational forecasters' competencies in analysing, forecasting and issuing warnings related to hazardous meteorological phenomena.

During the course, students will have the opportunity to be in direct contact with experts in topics such as winds in the marine environment, namely scatterometer wind observations, and ocean waves, both from model outputs and altimeter observations.

Registration is free and will be open from September to November 2024. The list of accepted participants will be announced in the first half of December 2024. There will be support for a limited number of registrations for travel, accommodation and per diem, upon request. For more information on the course visit the EUMeTrain website or directly the Marine Course announcement link.

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Register for EU Data for the Ocean Decade

10 October 2024 / Online

Oceans are an essential ecosystem for our planet. However, they are threatened by climate change, pollution, and several other factors. The United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development has identified 10 ocean-related challenges to be addressed throughout the decade, to foster the sustainable use of oceans and marine resources.

In this context, EUMETSAT, one of the main contributors to Copernicus, is jointly organising a series of ocean webinars in partnership with the Copernicus Marine Service (implemented by Mercator Ocean International), the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet), the ECOP Programme, and the UN OD Coordination Office for Ocean Data Sharing.

These webinars will focus on how European initiatives and data from Copernicus, EMODnet and other data sources can contribute to the UN Ocean Decade goals of sustainable use and protection of our oceans.

By taking part in the series, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of how to access marine data through different platforms and contribute to the protection and sustainable use of oceans and marine resources.

Register on the webinar series website.

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Register for the European Marine User Days

5th – 6th November 2024 / Lisbon, Portugal

The EUMETSAT Marine User Days will bring together existing and prospective users from across the diverse marine user community. The event will act as a showcase for use cases by focusing on the data provided by the European organisations involved in the Copernicus programme and their role in oceanography and marine applications. It is also a networking opportunity for users across the value chain and will feature a workshop to engage with user needs and feedback.

Emphasis will be placed on data from across the value chain, including satellite data, derived products and climate data records and their applications. Copernicus contributing mission data from EUMETSAT’s meteorological missions, and data from the satellite application facility specialising in ocean and sea ice, will broaden the scope.

The Marine User Days will be open to participants from across the community, including those involved at the policy and governance level, academia and research, and commercial entities. Attendees will benefit from the opportunity to present their use cases to the wider community of users and potential customers, but also to provide feedback to the European Commission and Copernicus entrusted entity representatives.

Registration is now open, with a deadline of 10 October. Register on the event page.

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Future Focus Workshop: Wildfires

26-28 November 2024 / Darmstadt, Germany

Building on the EUMETSAT user days and previous workshops addressing the usage of Earth Observations for wildfire monitoring, the workshop will address:

  • Current status and advances in monitoring wildfires from space.
  • The role of satellite data in emission estimates.
  • The impact of fires on the wider ecosystems and climate.

The event will bring together science experts, data providers, application experts, and end users to address the full-range cycle of wildfire monitoring, and include the full value chain from data to end user. It will progress on the following objectives:

  1. Inform on existing and upcoming EO data relevant for wildfire monitoring (observations and modelling).
  2. Present and discuss initiatives related to EO products, user networks, data access, knowledge sharing, and services.
  3. Discuss needs and priorities on existing and future products from next-generation satellites within operational value chains.
  4. Enhance engagement with a wide community of users, value adders, and service providers to better identify their needs.

See the event page for more information.

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6th Joint Training on Atmospheric Composition

16 - 20 September 2024 / Oslo, Norway

The main objective of course is to provide a holistic introduction to the end-to-end processes involved in atmospheric composition monitoring and modelling. This includes state-of-the-art sensing instruments and techniques (satellite, airborne, surface), emissions inventories, modelling concepts and processes, such as data assimilation and model evaluation, service provision, applications, and policy needs.

Additional objectives of the training are to introduce participants to observation and model data, and to develop participants’ skills in accessing, handling, and processing data in a variety of applications. Fostering collaboration and networking among participants from multiple countries and backgrounds is also a key aim of the course.

The course is targeted at post-graduate level students, researchers, and other professionals. The registration for the event is now closed.

More information is available on the event page.

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SALGEE & LSA SAF User Workshop on "Monitoring Drought Impacts on Vegetation & Feedback"

25-26 Nov 2024 / Darmstadt, Germany

The Satellite Applications in Land Surface Analyses Group for Eastern Europe (SALGEE) and the Satellite Application Facility on Land Surface Applications (LSA SAF) are jointly organising the 2024 User Workshop on "Monitoring Drought Impacts on Vegetation & Feedback." This workshop will focus on applying EUMETSAT land-surface data in vegetation and drought monitoring. Its goal is to identify co-development and collaboration projects that bridge the gap between research and operations.

During the workshop, users of EUMETSAT land-surface data from both research and operational services will have the opportunity to present their studies and operational applications.

EUMETSAT, and the relevant SAFs, are invited to present their existing and future products and services. The workshop will provide a platform for discussing current and future user needs, which will be considered in the evolution of EUMETSAT products and services.

By the end of the workshop, we aim to identify a few co-development projects to support users interested in jointly developing operational applications using EUMETSAT data. The European Weather Cloud (EWC) could serve as a collaborative space.

The workshop is by invitation only. If you are interested in participating, please contact

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International Autumn School on Satellite Data Analysis

21 - 25 October 2024 / Athens, Greece

The Satellite Data Analysis Autumn School aims to unite the academic community and National Meteorological Services (NMSs) to promote and enhance the use of satellite data and products, including those from Satellite Application Facilities (SAFs), across various application areas and research fields. The school’s objective is to foster cooperation between academia and NMSs, and to enhance the skills and competencies in satellite data exploitation of young researchers and staff at NMHSs. This will encourage further research and application of the data.

The workshop will cover key topics, including the basics of remote sensing with satellites, land applications, precipitation and moisture analysis, atmospheric composition, nowcasting (including Lightning Imager data), and sessions on data access and handling. The target audience includes masters and PhD students, young professionals from regional universities, and researchers in NMHSs. Application to the school is available upon nomination.

Candidates nominated by the EUMETSAT member NMHSs can register on the course page.

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Register for the OSI SAF Sea Ice Climate Records, a EUMETSAT short course

10 September 2024, 10:00 - 15:00 CET / Online

Within the frame of EUMETSAT short courses, OSI SAF is introducing a new series of webinars to present its work and products.

In this webinar, sea ice specialists from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute will present the Sea Ice Climate Records they are producing and distributing through OSI SAF.

Find out more and to register see the webinar page.

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WG CEF webinars

26 Sep 2024 & 21 Nov 2024 / Online

Two more WG CEF webinars have been scheduled in the coming months. They are: The warning system at MET Norway and development of impact-based warnings for society, by Ina Kindem, on 26 September 2024, and DMI warning system, by Knud-Jacob Simonsen, on 21 November 2024. Further details to come.

Both webinars are free and open for everyone. Register via the links below:

  1. The warning system at MET Norway and development of impact-based warnings for society.

  2. DMI warning system.

// issue XXXI - July 2024

Resources & Tools
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LI L2 Data Guide available


During this hybrid workshop, which included 6 onsite and 10 online participants from ESSL, EUMETSAT, EUMeTrain, and the LI Mission Advisory Group, early LI L2 groups and flash datasets acquired in 2023 were analysed. The goal was to enhance the understanding of LI products and develop training and user guidance materials. Participants discussed the consistency of LI products with other forecasting information and evaluated the added value of LI data in tracking severe thunderstorms. They also compared the quality and performance of LI data to reference datasets.

The workshop led to several recommendations for visualisation, research and development, and product development. The materials and insights gained will contribute to the creation of a Short Guide on the use of MTG Lightning Imager in Severe Convective Storm Forecasting, scheduled for publication in 2024. Additionally, initial guidance material has been published in the LI L2 Data Guide.

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New e-learning course: Precipitation, Snow & Soil Moisture Products


The EUMETSAT European Satellite Applications Facility on Support to Operational Hydrology and Water Management (H SAF) is based on the requirements of the hydrological community. H SAF generates, disseminates and archives high-quality satellite products to estimate key hydrological parameters:

  1. precipitation: rate and accumulated;
  2. soil moisture: surface and root zone;
  3. snow: cover, melting condition, water equivalent.

By observing and analysing these parameters, it is possible to obtain benefits in flood forecasting, drought forecasting and water supply planning. They also allow monitoring and predicting extreme events such as droughts, floods and landslides.

Collaborating with hydrological agencies and organisations, the H SAF targets the optimised use of satellite data on operational hydrology.

In this course, you will delve deeply into H SAF products to understand their characteristics and differences. Dedicated sessions will cover each product category—precipitation, soil moisture, and snow—using case studies and practical applications to enhance your learning experience. At the end of the course, you will have the opportunity to take a test. Upon passing, you will receive a certificate for each session completed.

The course can be accessed on the Eumetcal Moodle or at the CIMA Foundation website here.

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Ocean Extremes short course at the Liege Colloquium & Jupyter notebooks


Marine Earth observation is an essential tool for monitoring physical and biogeochemical ocean systems. By adopting multi-sensor approaches, and continually engaging in reprocessing campaigns, we can expand our satellite records in time. As a result, we are now able to establish climatological baselines from which we can start to categorise extremes in many of these systems.

A three-hour practical tutorial, held at the 55th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, introduced the EUMETSAT marine satellite products made available through our Copernicus and Mandatory missions, as well downstream products offered by the EUMETSAT Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Applications Facility (OSI SAF) and the Copernicus Marine Service.

A series of workflows were provided to help participants to learn more about selecting appropriate satellite data to monitor ocean extremes, including harmful algal blooms, extreme waves, sea ice, and marine heatwaves. These workflows were supported by dedicated, Python-based, Jupyter Notebooks, made available for free use on the EUMETSAT Gitlab.

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Discover the easy way to download EUMETSAT data: EUMDAC


To facilitate accessing Earth Observation (EO) data for users, we propose the EUMETSAT Data Access Client (EUMDAC), a great tool designed to facilitate the downloading of EUMETSAT satellite data and to allow for their customisation to meet specific user needs.

To get started with EUMDAC, all you need is a simple installation process on your local terminal, followed by a basic setup of credentials. Once configured, EUMDAC offers an easy interaction with Data Access Services APIs, allowing you to access, download, and customise data immediately.

For further support, the EUMDAC user guide, in the EUMETSAT User Portal, provides all the necessary information to utilise EUMDAC, including recorded training sessions and a continuous series of interactive workshops.

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New EPS-SG animations


New animations have been produced to give a detailed introduction to the instruments onboard the next-generation Metop-SGA satellites. Each animation illustrates how the instruments take measurements and generate Level 1 data and provides examples of Level 2 geophysical products.

Have a look at them on the EUMETSAT YouTube channel:

  1. EPS SG: Overview
  2. Metop Second Generation A: IASI-NG animation
  3. Metop Second Generation A: 3MI animation
  4. Metop Second Generation A: METImage animation
  5. Metop Second Generation A: MWS animation

// issue XXXI - July 2024

Stories & Achievements
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International Summer School on the Applications with the Newest Multi-spectral Environmental Satellites

17-26 June 2024 / Bracciano, Italy

The Traditional Remote Sensing Summer School gathered experienced professionals working with remote sensing data — forecasters, researchers, and postgraduate students — offering them the opportunity to update their knowledge and skills on the latest developments in remote sensing data and techniques. This year, the school was named after Paolo Rosci, an officer of the Italian Air Force who dedicated his entire professional life to satellite meteorology, who passed away last April. As a distinguished remote sensing scientist, Paolo excelled in developing new methods and operational applications in the field and had the empathetic character to foster idea sharing and enthusiastically mentor new generations of satellite meteorologists.

The summer school provided an in-depth explanation of the methods and techniques used to extract information from environmental satellite data across all radiation spectra — from visible to microwave. Theoretical sessions were followed by practical work, known as Labs, during which students explored the characteristics and utility of different remote sensing data using the McIDAS-V visualisation tool.

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Testbed on Severe Convective Storms

3-7 June 2024 / Darmstadt, Germany

EUMETSAT hosted a training testbed on severe convective storms for 15 weather forecasters from the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHS) of 11 member states. During the theoretical and practical sessions, trainers from ESSL and EUMETSAT guided participants in issuing forecasts for severe convective weather over Europe during the week, using a simulated operational meteorological forecasting environment. While forecasters consulted a typical range of products from models, surface-based station data, and radar data, particular focus was on the added value of Meteosat imagery and derived products, such as from the NWC SAF. An early set of MTG LI L2 products was presented to the group, and feedback collected on added value and visualisation. The group also discussed the potential value of the MTG FCI 0.9um channel for detecting total-column water vapour variability.

The testbed also provided an opportunity for EUMETSAT colleagues to get familiar with the ESSL-EUMETSAT training testbed activity.

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Baltic+ course 2024 course focused on summer convection

21-23 May 2024 / Tallinn, Estonia

More than 30 forecasters gathered for this year’s edition of the Baltic+ training course. The course consisted of an online phase 15 April – 3 May, followed by a classroom phase in Tallinn 21–23 May. The course was hosted by the Estonian Environment Agency (ESTEA). The course focused on the warm season convection in the Baltic Sea region. Course topics included the typical challenges forecasters might face when dealing with convection.

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EUMeTrain Forecaster’s Week

3-6 June 2024 / Online

In the beginning of June, EUMeTrain organized the Forecaster’s Week, an event that was fully dedicated to the tasks of a forecasting meteorologist. The topics ranged from convection and DIBS (dust induced baroclinic storms) to mountain waves and forest fires. The difficulty of issuing warnings was also discussed.

A workshop was held for the first time during an event week. The participants answered questions on specific case studies and topics (low clouds and fog, forecasting and monitoring convection, synoptic scale analysis). The event was a big success, with people from Europe, Africa, Asia and South America participating.

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NOMEK 2024

27 - 31 May 2024 / Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki

The Finnish Meteorological Institute hosted this year’s NOMEK course as an in-person event in Helsinki 27-31 May. The course is aimed at operational forecasters, and it has been jointly developed by the Nordic meteorological services. The course focuses on improving forecasters’ competencies in different areas of development. Each year a different topic, together with an interesting weather case, is chosen as the main theme of the course.

This year’s main topic was weather-related communication, and the associated case was the storm Hans (Scandinavian name)/Sylvia (name used in Finland), which the 3–5-day models showed could be a very serious convective storm for southern Finland. The main question was how to communicate something that is potentially very severe but has high uncertainties. During three different sessions, the students used a simulator containing model data with a lead time of 5 days, 3 days and 1 day, and were asked how to communicate the message and uncertainties to different stakeholders. The course had 26 participants from Fennoscandia, Iceland, the Baltics, and Ireland. Other topics covered included: use of radar products (such as dual-polarization radar) and use and application of satellite products.

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EUMETCAL Moodle Workshop

27 - 31 May 2024 / Online

In the first half of 2024, EUMETCAL offered training on the use of Moodle as a teacher. Over six interactive sessions, participants were shown how the course is being created and were given numerous tips and tricks on making it more engaging for students.

Beatriz, one of the participants, said: "EUMETCAL Moodle Workshop has definitely been an enriching experience. On the one hand, basic features, course settings and quiz options have been explained by the trainers in a clear and easy way, and afterwards we have put each of them in practice. On the other hand, the participants have been active and there has been a friendly and collaborative environment. Thank you, Fabienne and Tomislav!".

// issue XXXI - July 2024

Jobs & Opportunities
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Space for Early Warnings in Africa Project Manager

by 28 October 2024 / Darmstadt, Germany

Join the User Support and Climate Division as a Project Manager for an EU-funded initiative "Space for Early Warning in Africa". This project focuses on enhancing access to satellite-based services and data to support early warning systems for hazardous weather and climate events across Africa. The position involves implementing EUMETSAT activities while working closely with international partners, including the African Union Comission and European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF).

Click here for full details.