Welcome to the Winter weather in Central Europe simulator!  


With this simulator you will practice forecasting in winter weather conditions in Croatia by using satellite data as well as synoptic maps and forecasting materials.

Your task will be to make a general forecast for three different areas in the country in the upcoming days and if necessary issue warnings.  

If you need to refresh your knowledge about RGBs you can visit the link below:

To control the animations (play, stop, previous, next, etc.) use the buttons above the images:

Some recommendations for better experience during simulator time and known bugs that might appear:

The simulator lasts about 30 minutes.

Enjoy your simulated shift!  

For any comments or feedback, please write to: blaskovic@cirus.dhz.hr or klemencic@cirus.dhz.hr

To download the simulator for offline usage, click: Download!

Start Simulator