Summary and Exercises

As you have seen, there are a few specific concepts related to fire behaviour. Let's see if you have learned enough about fires to solve the following quiz!


Connect the concept with its description.

Is defined as the rate of heat energy release per unit time per unit length of fire front. Also known as frontal fire intensity or line fire intensity.

a) Fire Front
b) Rate of spread
c) Fuel consuption
d) Head Fire Intensity
e) Surface Fire
f) Crown Fire
g) Ground Fire
h) Wind Driven Fire
i) Convection Driven Fire
j) Spotting

What this final game illustrated was that fires may be classified according to different criteria depending on the purpose.

For instance, for fire combat purposes one may be interested in classifying the fire according to the level (crown, surface or ground), but it may be also relevant to evaluate the rate of spread or the forcing mechanism (wind or convection).

You also learned that pyrocumulus clouds may form and smoke may be retained within temperature inversion layers.