
Case Studies with snow in Croatia and Lithuania

60 Minutes

Izolda Marcinoniene
Natasa Strelec Mahovic

Case Studies with snow in Croatia and Lithuania

Published: 01 January 2010

Izolda Marcinoniene will present a case study. According to Lithuanian criteria for meteorological phenomena it was a local-scale catastrophic event that affected the city of Nida, located on Baltic coast. Based upon the physical parameters of the atmosphere and the satellite information obtained, the situation was typical for Comma cloud. The main features and reasons for development of this catastrophic heavy snow event will be presented using detailed information such as vertical cross-sections, tephigrams and various satellite images.

The second talk will be presented by Natasa Strelec Mahovic from the Croatian Meteorological Service (DHMZ). DHMZ will give a presentation on the forecast and analysis of heavy snowfall in Croatia in February 2009, when snow was recorded even on the remote islands in Southern Croatia!

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Filed under Keywords:

Snow, Comma, Synoptic Scale Meteorology