

Look at Fig. 12 and the animation showing the eruption of Mount Etna on 26 October 2013 around 9 UTC and answer the question.

Figure 12: Volcanic eruption, Mount Etna, 26 October 2013 at 09 UTC (source: Image library on the EUMETSAT homepage, http://www.eumetsat.int/website/home/Images/ImageLibrary/DAT_2083474.html)

Animation 2: Ash RGB animation (26 October 2013, around 9 UTC)

Which effluents are recognizable in the Ash RGB animation?

Please make a selection.

The correct answer is: All 4 features are seen in the animation.

The majority of emissions were SO2 (green). Ash plumes (red) also appear from time to time. Ice clouds consisting of water vapour originating from the volcano appear black. The dark violet colour represents the hotspot from the lava.