FRP-PIXEL product

The FRP-PIXEL product is computed by the LSASAF and allows estimating the fire radiative power in a given pixel. It is computed from the brightness temperatures of IR3.9 µm IR10.8 µm and the differences between these channels. In addition, several conjectural tests are performed applying the so called “MIR method”. This method assumes that FRP is proportional to the difference between the observed fire pixel radiance in the MIR channel (IR3.9 µm) and the "background" radiance that would have been observed at the same location in the absence of fire. For the Caramulo the FRP for the fire life cycle (Figure 8) was 3680MW which corresponded to a total of Fire Radiative Energy of 1030x108 MJ.

Figure 8: Hot spots obtained from LSA SAF FRP-PIXEL between 21 and 31 August 2013. The Caramulo fires are marked with a circle.