EUMeTrain: Water Vapour CAL Module - Water Vapour Channels in Combination Images

Air mass combination

Combining different channels and their differences brings out more features in one image than it is possible for single channels.

The "Airmass" RGB is a combination of 4 channels: (WV6.2-WV7.3,IR9.7-IR10.8,WV6.2)

The profile of brightness temperature difference of the water vapour channels depends on

The Water vapour channels and their difference give information about

The brightness temperature difference WV6.2-WV7.3 indicates:

For further information see the MSG Interpretation Guide in Eumetsat web pages:

Look at the following image and put numbers on the corresponding features. First, click on one of the buttons to choose a number. Then, try to find the the correct area and click on it!

Dry area
Deep Clouds
Cloudy Area
Humid air on middle/high levels
Descending stratospheric air