In this example you can follow the process of cyclogenesis and the changes of PV in the cross sections. On the left-hand side you can see water vapour (WV) satellite images for 05 August 2005, 06, 09 and 12 UTC and on the right-hand side the cross-sections of PV along the marked lines. Observe how the anomaly changes in time and moves in space!

05 August 2005, 06 UTC

Dark feature in the WV image indicates folding of the tropopause or the intrusion of dry stratospheric air into the troposphere.

The PV cross-section along the marked line looks like:

It clearly shows that the isoline of PV of 1.5 PVU is lowered down to 450 hPa in the left end of the cross-section, coinciding with the dark area in the satellite image.

05 August 2005, 09 UTC

3 hours later the anomaly from the previous image has moved towards east, whereas a new anomaly seems to develop on the right end of the cross-section, again correlated to the dark stripe in the WV image. The cross section along the marked line looks like:

The right anomaly is the one connected to the cyclogenesis taking place.

05 August 2005, 12 UTC

At 12 UTC the cross-section looks like this:

The anomaly moves further to the east. The tropopause is still lowered down to 450 hPa.