Airmass RGB

18 September 2007, 00 UTC

This very complex RGB composite is available during day and night. It combines the following three MSG features: the WV6.2 - WV7.3 Brightness Temperature Difference (BTD) on red, the IR9.7 - IR10.8 BTD on green and the inverted WV6.2 channel on blue. All three features are strongly related to airmass characteristics in cloud-free areas and to the height of clouds in cloudy areas. The WV6.2 channel shows the horizontal distribution of Upper Tropospheric Humidity. Typical features seen on the WV6.2 images include dry intrusions, deformation zones and jet streaks. The WV6.2 - WV7.3 BTD, which depends on the temperature and humidity profile, shows the distribution of moisture in the troposphere. Finally, the IR9.7 - IR10.8 BTD is related to the total ozone concentration and thus to the height of the tropopause.

Note: You can always click on the to bring up the RGB-key.