30th July 2005: 06UTC
The occlusion cloud band (Sweden, Denmark and North Sea) and the warm front cloudband (Baltic States) are superimposed by warm advection (WA). Several cells can be seen embedded in this frontal band, they are marked by WA maxima indicative for the cold cloudtops.
The cold front is found in this image over Switzerland and Southern Germany and is characterised by a CA maximum. South of the Alps a tongue of WA is found. A maximum is found just over Southern Switzerland where early morning convection is found. The WA maxima is characteristic for the cold cloudtop of this cell.
30th July 2005: 12UTC
A line of prefrontal convergence is about to develop. Ahead of the cold front, marked here by the zero line of TA, the level of WA has increased over the past 6 hours. Some WA maxima over the Alps and over the Baltic States indicate the cold cloudtops. These WA maxima may slightly contribute to rising motions and the convective development.
30th July 2005: 18UTC
An elongated line of convective cells is found stretching from the Baltic States over Poland into Austria, Switzerland and Northern Italy. Except for the cells over Poland they are all marked by WA maxima indicating the cold cloudtops easily seen in IR10.8 imagery.
31st July 2005: 00UTC
Two separate MCSs and two seperated WA maxima are seen. The maxima indicate where the coldest cloudtops are found in IR10.8 imagery.
31st July 2005: 06UTC
Both of the previous discussed cells have decreased significantly in size and appearance (IR10.8 signal) over the past 6 hours. The previous discussed MCS over Russia is still observed with a WA maximum superimposed. A small tongue of warm air advection can be found over the MCS found between Poland and Belarus.